How do I know if I am a suitable candidate for dental implants?

dental implantsMost people who have missing teeth are candidates for dental implants, but other issues must also be evaluated, such as your overall health and whether you are taking certain medications. You and your dentist and/or oral surgeon will work together to be sure you are a good candidate for dental implants.

Deciding on Dental Implants

Before you decide to have dental implants, you will consult with your oral surgeon or implant dentist to ensure you are a good candidate. This includes your overall health, your oral health, and any other issues that could affect your healing and recovery. Successful healing of your implants is vital to their long-term success, so any major problems that could keep them from healing properly could mean another form of tooth replacement.

Some issues that could affect your ability to heal after implant oral surgery include:

  • Gum disease
  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Diabetes
  • Jawbone atrophy
  • Certain medications for osteoporosis
  • Smoking

Some of these issues, such as gum disease and jawbone atrophy, can be treated ahead of time so your implants are more likely to be successful. Others should be discussed with your doctor and your dentist to see if measures can be taken to increase your likelihood of successful healing.

Why Choose Implants?

Implants are the most natural form of tooth replacement. They are permanent and stationary, and are made of tooth-colored materials so they are virtually indistinguishable from your original teeth. The permanent tooth roots ensure that they will stay in place so you can eat all your favorite foods. Unlike dentures, they will not need to be retooled to adjust to the changing shape of your jawbone.

Your new implants will help keep your jawbone healthy over time by stimulating the bone tissue to continue to grow. This will help your face retain its natural shape, avoiding the shrunken look many older people develop after they have been without teeth for several years. If you are a good candidate for implant surgery, implants will give you a beautiful, natural smile.

If you’re considering dental implants, contact our office today to discuss your treatment options!

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