What if I Decide to Keep my Wisdom Teeth?

wisdom teeth Fort Worth


Wisdom teeth are often called the third molars because they typically erupt in early adulthood. Wisdom teeth can become problematic and pose a variety of health concerns. Many times, people do not address their wisdom teeth until they start experiencing symptoms. This can cause further complications. It is best to visit an oral surgeon before this happens and let them evaluate your oral health. They may recommend removing wisdom teeth to avoid many future complications.

Why Have Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Since these teeth erupt so late in life, there is often not enough room for them in the jaw. They can cause other teeth to shift posing oral health risks. Sometimes the lack of room can cause them to become impacted, or stuck in the gums, and come in sideways. This may cause existing teeth to become crooked, crowded or overlap. These third molars can often even erode the enamel on neighboring teeth trying to find room to erupt in the gums.

Once wisdom teeth have erupted, it can be difficult to keep teeth and gums clean. This increases a patient’s risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease which is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. The third molars provide a welcome place for plaque and bacteria to build up posing massive oral health risks.

Benefits of Removing Wisdom Teeth

Removing wisdom teeth can prevent a multitude of oral health complications. They are not necessary for proper dental function and removing them can prevent headaches, gum disease and even abscesses. Removing wisdom teeth as a preventative measure offers many health benefits including improved oral health. It is easier to keep teeth and gums clean when they are not crowded.

Sometimes patients wait and visit the oral surgeon once they are having symptoms such as headaches or teeth that are erupting sideways. Many times, infection has set in and antibiotics are necessary before the wisdom teeth can be addressed. This discomfort can be alleviated by extracting the wisdom teeth.

If you still have your wisdom teeth, or have questions about having them removed, make an appointment with our office today. Our experienced dental staff can help you explore your options and make the best decision for your oral health.

Call the office of Dr. Robert Peak to schedule your appointment.

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