Dr. Peak has the experience and training to meet and exceed the modern standards for treating traumatic facial injuries. Dr. Peak also holds the credentials to provide care at local hospitals and emergency rooms for these facial and dental injuries:
Facial cuts or lacerations
Cuts or lacerations inside of the mouth
Avulsed teeth (completely knocked out teeth)
Fractures which involve the facial bones, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, or bones that form the eye socket
Broken jaws (upper and/or lower)
Soft Tissue Injuries Sutures are typically used to treat cuts on the face or within the mouth. Special care is taken to ensure that patients achieve the most ideal cosmetic outcome. The tissues surrounding the injured site will also be inspected for signs of damage to the facial nerves and salivary glands or ducts.
Fractured Bones Fractured or broken bones in the face must often be stabilized in order to promote proper healing and restored function. Certain fractures may require that the jaws be wired together, while others can be stabilized with titanium screws or plates. Great care is taken to conceal or minimize all surgical incisions for the best cosmetic results.
Injuries to the Teeth Displaced or knocked out teeth can often be replanted if surgical care is provided as quickly as possible. The replanted teeth may be splinted together with wires or bonding to keep it firmly positioned in the dental socket. The survival rate for tooth that has been knocked out is heavily dependent on how quickly the tooth can be re-inserted into the socket.
Professional Collaboration
To properly manage a facial or dental injury, it is often necessary that multiple dental specialists work together on your behalf. An endodontist may need to perform a root canal procedure and your restorative dentist can rebuild and restore broken teeth.
If a severely damaged tooth cannot be saved or restored, Dr. Peak can explain how the missing tooth can be replaced with dental implants.
Specialized Surgical Care
Dr. Peak is concerned about the physical, functional, and emotional impact of a traumatic facial injury. If you have suffered such an incident, please contact our office for an appointment today.